Uganda Bird watching tours

Uganda Bird watching tours : Uganda is known for its rich and diverse birdlife, with over 1,000 species of birds recorded in the country. Among these, there are several unique and interesting bird species in Uganda. Uganda is a fantastic destination for birding enthusiasts, offering a range of captivating spots. Uganda is a home to one endemic specie in the names of “Fox’s Weaver (Ploceus spekeoides), confined in the Eastern part of the country. This can be seen along the showers of Lake Opeta, lake Bisina and Pian Upe Game Reserve. Uganda is also home to 24 of the Albertine Rift Endemics, protected in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and Semliki National Park. About 335 species recorded in the Bwindi Forest, famous for its gorillas, and it’s also home to a fascinating variety of birds, including the African Green Broadbill and the Bar-tailed Trogon The park is also home to 23 of the Albertine Rift Endemics, making it a must visit destination for bird watchers. Albertine Rift Endemics are some of the eye-catching species in the East African region – the Great Lakes region. Another must-visit location is Murchison falls national park, located along the Nile River, which features a diverse habitat supporting the Shoebill Stork and the African Fish Eagle. Lastly, the Queen Elizabeth national park, with its wetlands and savannas, is a habitat for the colourful Malachite Kingfisher and the unique-looking African Shoebill. Uganda truly is a paradise for bird enthusiasts, just waiting to be explored.  This article provides to you some of the bird watching safari destinations in Uganda, and they include;

Bird watching in queen Elizabeth national park

Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda’s ultimate destination for birding enthusiasts and wildlife lovers. This remarkable conservation area, located in western Uganda, is a treasure trove of biodiversity that promises an unforgettable experience for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. Queen Elizabeth National Park, designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, is famous for its diverse ecosystems, making it one of Uganda’s prime birding destinations. Spanning approximately 1,978 square kilometres, this national park encompasses a wide array of habitats, from savannas and wetlands to forests and lakeshores. the rich variety of environments creates an ideal haven for numerous bird species, both resident and migratory. While on a birdwatching tour in the park, you will get an opportunity to explore different birding spot within the park in search for these fascinating birds such as African Skimmers, Pied Kingfishers, and Yellow-billed Storks, White-napped Pigeon, Hair-breasted Barbet, and the African Green Broadbill, Grey-headed Kingfisher, Black-headed Gonolek, and the Pied Kingfisher among others.

Bird watching in Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is a true gem for wildlife and birding enthusiasts. This pristine wilderness, covering approximately 3,840 square kilometres, offers a diverse range of ecosystems and an incredible array of bird species, making it one of the top birding destinations in Uganda. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a casual nature lover, Murchison Falls National Park is a perfect destination you won’t want to miss. Murchison Falls National Park boasts a rich diverse of habitats, including savannah grasslands, woodlands, riverine forests, and wetlands. The park’s diversity provides a perfect haven for over 450 bird species that call the park home. While on a bird watching safari in the park , you will have an opportunity to explore different birding spots in Murchison falls national park in search for different kinds of birds such as African Fish Eagle, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Red-throated Bee-eaters, Gray-headed Kingfishers, the African Green Pigeon, African Skimmer, African Finfoot, the rare Shoebill Stork,  Saddle-billed Stork, Senegal Thick-knee, Black-headed Lapwing, Chocolate-backed Kingfisher, White-thighed Hornbill, and the African Dwarf Kingfisher,

Bird watching in Kibale National Park

Kibale National Park, one of Uganda’s hidden gems and a habitant for wildlife lovers and birding enthusiasts. Kibale National Park offers an extraordinary of lush rain-forests, diverse ecosystems, and unique opportunities for bird watching and chimpanzee trekking. The National Park over 795 square kilometres, and it’s in southwestern Uganda near the town of Fort Portal. It’s renowned for its diverse habitats, including tropical rainforests, swamps, and grasslands, making it a perfect destination for birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts. the park is a haven for over 375 bird species, making it a paradise for birders. Additionally, Kibale is famous for its impressive chimpanzee population, offering unforgettable experiences for those seeking to trek and interact with our closest relatives in their natural habitat. While on your Uganda bird watching safari in Kibale National Park, you will have a chance to spot birds such as Green-breasted pitta which is the most sought after, African Pitta, Abyssinian ground thrush, Crowned eagle, Dusky crimsoning, Collared appalis, Black-capped appalis, Black bee-eater, Yellow spotted nicator, Little greenbul, Black-eared ground thrush among others.

Uganda Bird watching tours
Black-capped appalis

Bird watching in Mabira Forest Reserve

Mabira Forest Reserve in Uganda is an extraordinary destination for birding safaris, the forest can be easily accessible via Kampala -Jinja highway and it’s located in Bukwe district. Mabira forest reserve is a home to a variety of diverse bird species, the forest offers excellent opportunity for birdwatchers to impressed themselves in the captivating world of bird wonders. Birding in Mabira Forest Reserve is an experience you’ll treasure for a lifetime. The forest boasts over 300 bird species, and its diverse ecosystems provide a home for both forest and woodland birds. While on your birding tour in Mabira Forest Reserve, expect to spot birds such as the magnificent African Grey Parrot, the striking Nahan’s Francolin, or the vibrant Blue-throated Roller among others.

Bird watching in Bwindi Forest National Park

Bird watching in Bwindi Forest offers extraordinary and unforgettable adventure experience. the park a UNESCO World Heritage Site that offers not only exceptional birding opportunities but also the chance to encounter fascinating mountain gorillas. Bwindi National Park boast over 350 bird species including 23 Albertine rift endemics, making it the must visited destination for bird-watchers. While on your Uganda bird watching tours here, you will be fascinated with a lot of sights of different birds thar dwell in the forest such as the Rwenzori Turaco, African Green Proadbill, and Grauer’s Rush Warbler, the African Blue, White-tailed Blue Flycatchers, Grauer’s Swamp Warbler, Grauer’s Broadbill, and the stunning Regal Sunbird among others.

Bird watching in Kidepo Valley National Park 

Kidepo Valley National Park is one of Uganda’s most extraordinary national parks. The national park harbors undiluted landscape in any other park in East Africa. The remarkable national park is situated in Uganda’s border with Sudan and Kenya, the park offers breathtaking savannah and mountain landscapes which end in a rugged terrain.  The bird is a home to over 480 bird species, making it ideal for bird lovers. While in a bird watching safari in kidepo, birders are amazed with vast sights of different birds such as the Black-Breasted Barbet, the Karamoja Apalis, Golden Pipit, Ring-Necked Spurfowl, Taita Fiscal, Rufous Chatterer, Fox’s Cisticola, Yellow and Red Spotted Barbet, Fox’s Weaver among others.

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