Tutsi Tribe in Rwanda
Tutsi Tribe in Rwanda : The tutsi tribe in Rwanda is the minority group in the country but also one of the most famous tribes in Rwanda because of the 1994 Rwanda genocide. In this article you will get to know more about the physical attributes of the people of the tribe, what they are famous for, their activities among other interesting features that you will find interesting about the tribe. The tutsi tribe also called the Abatusi is the minority tribe that can be seen in Rwanda and Burundi but the largest group can be seen in Rwanda where it the country that occupies 14% of the total population in Rwanda with the Hutu being the largest percentage which comprises 85 percent and 1% which comprises of the batwa which is the smallest tribe in the country.
The Tutsi are believed to have migrated to Rwanda during the 14th or the 15th century from the north east seeking for rangelands this is because the group were mainly cattle keepers and because of the rich vegetation of Rwanda, the country was the perfect destination to herd their cattle. It should also be noted that the Tutsi were skilled warriors but on reaching Rwanda, they focused more of cattle keeping. With their possession of the cattle they obtained dominance over the Hutu that are believed to have settled in the country before the Tutsi because of how organised the tutsi were they were able to establish a political structure with the king as the supreme head also known as the Mwami
Because of how organised the tutsis were, they were able to expand their territories and gaining more dominance over the Hutu and the Batwa, it should be noted that their expansion continued to the 19th century until the European colonial era. During the time of their expansion, the hutu and the tutsi were living in harmony with one another however because of the unfair treatment and favouritism shown by the Belgian government favouring the tutsis over the hutu it infuriated the Hutu and this is believed to have been one of the causes of the tensions between the two groups which later led to the Rwanda genocide which you can understand more about when you participate in the Rwanda genocide tour visit the Kigali genocide memorial museum.
With the support of the Belgian government the tutsis were able to retain their dominant positions over the Hutu until 1961 when the monarchy which was rule over by the Mwami was overthrown and as a way to retake their position in the country, the military campaigns were made by the tutsis in 1994 after the Hutu’s unfair treatment and dominance in the government it led to the Rwanda genocide which wiped out almost one million tutsis in the country which was among the darkest times in Rwanda.

Physical description of the tutsis
The physical description of the Tutsis is among the main reasons that that made tutsis to gain favour from the Belgians during colonial rule. The tutsis are quite different from the Hutu and this can be seen from their description which comprises them of being tall with high cheek bones, a thin nose. The average height of a grown Tutsi is 5 feet and 9 inches which makes them one of the tallest people in the Africa. Another way the tutsis can be differentiated from the Hutu is from their skin complexion where by the tutsis are of a lighter complexion compared to the hutu but with the intermarriages between the two people has neutralised their skin tones. Among the famous tutsis that can be seen in the country include president Kagame the president of Rwanda who took over power from president hutu who had taken over Juvenale Habyarimana also a hutu who was believed to have been killed by the Tutsi which sparked the 1994 Rwanda genocide.
If you’re interested in knowing more about the different tribes in Rwanda, you can participate in a number of cultural tours in Rwanda which will give you the chance to understand more about the people of Rwanda and the different tribes in Rwanda. during the Rwanda genocide tour. You can visit the Bugesera reconciliation village which is among the villages that were established to improve the relationship between by the Hutu and the Tutsi after the devastating Rwanda genocide which led to the tension between the two groups of people.at the Bugesera reconciliation village you will get to see how the victims and murderers have been able to establish a relationship that is based of respect for one another and love.
Aside from visiting the different villages, you can participate in a number of activities during your Rwanda safari like the primates safaris in Rwanda where you can participate in gorilla trekking in Rwanda, golden monkey trekking in , you can also visit a number of national parks in Rwanda and take part in activities like tracking the big five animals in Rwanda, in Akagera national park you can participate in the boat cruise on Lake Ihema, participate in the canopy walk in Rwanda take part in hiking the Virunga mountains for exceptional views of the twin lakes in Rwanda among other tourism activities in Rwanda.