Safety Measures for Covid-19 in Uganda


Covid-19 in Uganda affected a number of tourism activities in the country after the ministry of health confirmed that Uganda had got her first case of covid-19 in march 2020 which led to the country going under lockdown,   a number of tourism destinations where  closed as a way to avoid the spread of virus among the tourists that visit to take part in a number of tourism activities in Uganda for an amazing experience.

During the time when the country was under lockdown, there are a number of safety measures for covid-19 in Uganda that were came up with to ensure that  tourists avoid the spread of covid-19 in the country as a way to avoid the increase of covid-19 cases into the country with this it has enabled a number of activities in Uganda  like gorilla trekking in Uganda where you will get to see the endangered mountain gorillas in Bwindi impenetrable national park and Mgahinga national park, you can also take part in golden monkey trekking in Uganda,  you can participate in a number of city tours in Uganda, you can also take part in a number of cultural tours around Bwindi impenetrable national park, you can also  take part in a number of other activities in the country that will make your Uganda safari tour quite memorable because of a number of safety measures that ensure that  you take part in a number of activities  in the country for an amazing experience while in the country.

Safety measures in Uganda

While taking part in a number of activities in the country, you should wear your mask during all the activities in the country because covid-19 is easily spread through air from the droplets from an infected person that can be spread easily. Therefore it is important to put on your mask during the activities to avoid contracting and spreading the virus in case you get to exposed covid-19 environment.

Maintain social distance while taking part in a number of activities in the country  like gorilla  trekking where the number of trackers were a number of trackers where decreased to six people to ensure that the  tourists and the primates are  protected against the spread of the  virus while taking part in the Uganda safari.

Safety Measures for Covid-19 in Uganda
Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National park

Before tourists make their way and land at Entebbe international airport you should first take a really time covid-19 PCR test 72 hours before you access the country in order to allow and avoid the spread of virus and also in a way to avoid tourists from importing new covid-19 variants that have claimed a number of people therefore before any tourist accesses Entebbe international airport, you should  take a real time covid-19 test.

After tourists have landed at Entebbe international airport they should take another covid-19 test which will ensure that the virus has incubated which gives it time to be detected and in case the test comes up positive then they are taken to the government quarantine centers until tourists are treated and get better to take part in  a number of tourism activities.

There are a number government Quarantine centers that they can access for tourists that may test positive for covid-19 to ensure you are not a threat to other tourists and the locals in the country. It should also be noted that the  even if tourists that have travelled to the country and contracted the virus, there are a number of health centers that will offer  all your health care to ensure that you are treated against the virus in order to take part in the different activities.

Among the different requirements that you should have before you visit Uganda are the passenger locator slips that have all the tourists details like their accommodation details, contact details that will ensure that in case of an outbreak where tourists contracted the virus, they can easily be contacted to avoid mass spreading of the virus which can be hard to control.

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