How Tall Are Gorillas
How Tall Are Gorillas : Gorillas in Africa are among the most sought after tourism attractions on the continent because of their physical structure, and a number of features not forgetting the fact that they are among the endangered species in the world which has attracted a number of tourists to take part in gorilla trekking in Africa. The mountain gorillas are among the most common gorilla species that tourists from all over the world come to see but there are number of other gorilla species that can be seen and these include the eastern lowland gorillas that can be seen in kahuzi biega national park, the cross river gorillas, you can also get to see the mountain gorillas in Bwindi impenetrable national park and Mgahinga national park if you’re interested in participating in gorilla trekking in Uganda, you can also participate in gorilla trekking in Rwanda by visiting volcanoes national park, and also take part in gorilla trekking in Virunga national park where you will have the chance to spend one hour with the gorilla understanding their behaviour in the wild like how the y co-exist with one another their diet, how many times they give birth in a year, their feeding patterns among other interesting features of the primates in the park.
How tall are gorillas
Gorillas are the largest of the primate species with interesting features with unique body features that makes them the tallest of the primate species as a result of their diet which comprises of mainly foliage like wild celery, fruits bamboo shoots and in some instances you can also see the species feeding on a number of invertebrates like the caterpillars, termites, centipedes among other food sources that make up the average of 18 kilograms of food that the primates making them quite strong species where a fully grown adult male is 136-227 and female is 68-113kgs which makes them quite heavy species. With the diet of the gorilla it has in a way contributed to its mass and height. The gorillas are such well- built primate species with broad shoulders and long arms as compared to their legs that if they stand on their two feet can stand at 6 feet and above making them quite tall species compared to other primate species like the different monkeys, chimpanzees, orang-utans, golden monkeys, vervet monkeys among other at the age of 14 years, a mature gorilla male while standing on his two feet can stand at a height of 6.6 feet making them taller than the height of the average human which is about 5.6 feet.

The height of the Gorillas is normally overlooked because of the fact that they walk on all fours including their knuckles and feet and this is done by overlocking their forearm and their wrist bones together in order to sustain their weight hence making walking on all fours quite easy without them toppling over which is quite a beautiful scene to watch as to participate in gorilla trekking in Africa. However, you can also watch the full height of the gorillas because they can also be seen walking on their two feet which is quite difficult to see because the gorillas can be seen walking upright for about two or three steps before going back to their bipedal movements however they can be seen walking upright when they have their hands full of fruit and also in cases where they want to see overhead incases where they are moving distances looking for food and shelter. Gorillas can also be seen on their two feet which can also help to know how tall a gorilla is when they are fighting with other gorillas or when they are posing a challenge to humans which is quite rare.