Gorilla Strength Vs Chimpanzees
Gorilla Strength Vs Chimpanzees chimpanzees that are so playful and full of life but one thing that should not be overlooked is the fact that the gorillas are quite dangerous compared to the chimpanzees once provoked. A gorilla will use its strength to kill you if it has no way out of a fight whereas a chimpanzee on the other hand would tear or crush its enemy. The chimpanzee strength is about a third stronger than a human of the same size which make them weaker than the gorillas but you shouldn’t overlook the fact that they ae pretty strong primates too. The chimpanzee masses two thirds of their muscles consist of fast twitch fibres which are quite strong but use a lot of energy making the chimpanzees fatigued much faster than the gorillas. On the other hand, the gorillas are quite heavy and strong compared to humans, the strength of the gorillas is estimated to be 10 times their body weight making it 4 to ten times stronger than an average human making them stronger than chimpanzees. An average weight of a fully grown gorilla male is 136-227 and female is 68-113 kilograms whereas chimpanzees, the average female can weigh up to 27-50 kilograms and an adult male 40- 70 kilograms
Do gorillas and chimpanzees fight?
Fights between gorillas and chimpanzees are quite rare because a number of gorilla families have been recorded living harmoniously between one another but with a number factors, there has been a number of fights that have broken up between the gorillas and the chimpanzees as observed in loango national park in Gabon because of a number of reasons. some of which included competition for food like fruit in seasons where there was scarcity for it, encroachment on established territory is one of the reasons gorillas and chimpanzees can fight.

It should be noted that gorillas can travel up to 500 metres daily in search for food, they also don’t live in the same nest every night which means they have to search for a different area to establish their nests daily which is not the case for the chimpanzees that establish their territories and in cases where the gorillas encroach on their land, a fight is likely to break out. Infant gorillas suffer the most during such conflicts because they are seen as prey which puts them at a high risk of being killed. For the silverback in a gorilla family in case he is not out-numbered by the gorillas they ae likely to win the fight.
For tourist interested in understanding more about the gorillas and the chimpanzees, you can participate in activities like gorilla trekking in Uganda where you will take part in the activity in Bwindi impenetrable national park and Mgahinga national park, gorilla trekking in Rwanda can be carried out in volcanoes national park, gorilla trekking in Congo can be carried out in Virunga national park where you can find the mountain gorillas and in kahuzi biega national park where you will get to see the lowland gorillas.

For chimpanzee trekking you can take part in chimpanzee trekking in kibale national park, chimpanzee trekking in queen Elizabeth national park, chimpanzee trekking in Nyungwe national park, you can also take part in chimpanzee trekking in kahuzi biega national park and chimpanzee trekking in Virunga national park to understand more about the primates and how they differ from one another and their physical attributes that are dependent to their strength generally.