Best time for Wildlife Watching in Rwanda

Best time for Wildlife Watching in Rwanda

Best time for Wildlife Watching in Rwanda: Rwanda commonly known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills” is a country of hills, mountains, Forests, and wildlife. Rwanda is situated in East Africa and for the lovers of nature and wildlife, there is more to see and do such as; gorilla trekking at Volcanoes National Park; bird watching at Nyungwe Forest National Park; and game driving at Akagera National Park. In this article we elaborate on the basic considerations anyone planning on visiting Rwanda for wildlife viewing should consider with regard to the Rwandan climate and seasons.

Understanding Rwanda’s Climate

Rwanda is located in the equator therefore it has a temperate tropical highlands climate, with equal temperatures throughout the year. However, due to the geographical features like mountains, savannah, and wetlands, the weather conditions differ throughout the country. Rwanda has two distinct rainy seasons: The first one is the long one that starts from March up to May the other one is short one which starts from late September up to early December. Dry foods are the months from June up to mid-September and December up to February.

Best Time for Gorilla Trekking

The most popular tourist attraction activity in Rwanda includes gorilla trekking in the Virunga region which is found in Volcanoes National Park where the mountain gorillas reside. For Gorilla trekking adventures, the best times are in the dry seasons which range from mid-December to early February and from June to mid-September. These times give manageable trekking conditions with less or no wet trails and less vegetation cover hence making it easier to trek in the forest and identify the gorillas.

Best time for Wildlife Watching in Rwanda
Gorillas in Rwanda

Dry Season Highlights:

June to September: It is during this period that many travelers go for gorilla trekking since the climate is cool. It is less hot and wet, therefore it’s not easy to get aching feet or stuck in the mud on the trails. The vegetation is also thinner and this enables one to see the gorillas easily. However, depending on the time of the year, getting a permit to access this area can be a challenge, although it is easiest to get one during the low season, it is recommended that you book for a permit in advance especially if you are planning to visit this park during the summer, that is the period when many people visit these parks and so the permits can be a bit hard to come by.

December to February: This is otherwise known as the short dry season and is also an ideal time to go for gorilla trekking. The climate is mild, and normally, there is not so much precipitation; therefore, the conditions for trekking are good. It is relatively less busy from this time as compared to from June to September when one gets the experience of a lifetime of an encounter with the gorillas.

Rainy Season Considerations:

 – March to May: The long rainy season brings in heavy rainfall and therefore makes the trails slushy and difficult to tread on. However, gorilla trekking is still possible in this period it may be more challenging. Although there are fewer tourists during these times the permit may also not be very hard to come by. It also brings vegetation forming beautiful and wonderful scenes that can be used for best backdrop when taking photos in the forest.

 – Late September to Early December: The short rainy season is known to experience a relatively shorter duration of rainfall and as less intense as those in the long rainy season. Some of the trekking conditions might be difficult, especially in the muddy part but there are few people and the vegetation is green this is a good option for those tourists who want to avoid the crowd.

Best Time for Bird Watching

Rwanda is a bird lover’s delight owing to its rich avifauna that records a bird list of more than seven hundred with several endemics and Albertine Rift endemics. One of the best places to go bird watching in Rwanda is in Nyungwe Forest National Park, Akagera National Park, and around the shores of Lake Kivu.

Optimal Bird Watching Periods:

 – December to March: This is the time when birds of various species come to Rwanda for breeding hence making it a perfect time to sight birds. While in the forests there is an increase in bird choral with many being sighted especially during courtship and nesting. Another boost in birds is in the second period is marked by arriving birds from Europe and North Africa that further enrich the list of registered birds.

 – June to September: The other good time for bird watching is during the long dry season though in Nyungwe Forest National Park is always appropriate for that. It is easier to access the trails and with the minimized fog is easier to look for birds high in the trees in the forest. It is also the best time to sight raptors and water birds in the Akagera National Park and areas around Kivu’s wetlands.

Best time for Wildlife Watching in Rwanda: Conclusion

Rwanda is a good destination when it comes to wildlife viewing all year round the best time to visit Rwanda depends on the experience. Both dry seasons; hence, June-September and December-February are suitable for gorilla tracking, bird watching, wildlife viewing, and Jim Corbett National Park visits. On the other hand, the rainy seasons must be less preferred by tourists, mostly green views, beautiful pictures, and green land. Whether you are planning to hike on the foggy mountains, bird watching, or interested in watching the beauty of Rwandan savannahs, coordinating your trip with the Rwandan climate and seasons will make your wildlife voyage fantastic.

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