Activities and attractions at Kibale National Park

Activities and attractions at Kibale National Park

Activities and attractions at Kibale National Park: Kibale National Park is located in the western region part of Uganda, South of Fort Port town in Kabarole district. The park stands as a verdant nature reserve of biodiversity and natural wonders. Renowned globally for its remarkable diversity of flora and fauna that earns it a place as one of the East African foremost conservation areas.

Kibale National Park lies in an area size of 321km square and is approximately 795 kilometers,307 miles away from Kampala city and 26km from Fort Port town. The park can be reached via both road and air means, by road the easy and quick way to this park from Kampala is through Fort Portal High way that can take you approximately 6hr drive. However, there is also an option of using a long way through Mbarara city. The Park can also be accessed via air.  however, these aren’t direct flights to the park.  By these tourists can book the chartered flights from Entebbe International Airport (EBB) or Kanjjansi Airstrip to Kasese Airstrip within one 1hr through domestic carriers. Another option can be charted flights to Fort Port for 1hr 30min and from there, tourists or visitors can transfer to road for 1hr to 2hrs to the park.

Kibale National Park is a home of 70 mammal species but famously known for amazing beautiful chimpanzees but has other mammal species including Potto, chimpanzee, baboon, red colobus, black and white colobus, Lhotse’s, red-tailed, vervet, blue monkeys, Uganda mangabey, bush pigs, African elephants, Ugandan red colobus, Grey-cheeked mangabeys and other more. The park also hosts over 300 bird species including the black bee-eater, Western nicator, Yellow-rumpled tinkerbird, Lowland masked apalis, Green-breasted pitta, Afep pigeon, Nahan’s partridge, White-napped pigeon, Blue-headed sunbird and other much more.

Activities and attractions at Kibale National Park: Attractions.


One of the main Attractions of Kibale National Park is its population of habituated chimpanzees. Guided chimpanzee tracking guides offer visitors the opportunity to observe these fascinating primates in their natural habitat, as they swing through the trees, forage for food, and interact within their social groups.

Primate walks

Kibale National Park is home to a diverse array of primate species. Guided primate walks allow visitors to encounter other primates such as Lhotse’s monkeys, red colobus monkeys, black-and-white colobus monkeys, vervet monkeys, and more, offering an outstanding primate-viewing experience.P

Activities and attractions at Kibale National Park
Primate walks in Kibale National Park


Hosting over 375 species of birds recorded within its borders, Kibale National Park is a paradise for birdwatchers. From colorful turacos and hornbills to elusive forest-dwelling species, the park’s diverse habitats provide ample opportunities for birdwatching enthusiasts to spot a wide variety of avian species.

Nocturnal forest

For a unique wildlife viewing experience in Kibale National Park, nocturnal forest walks offer the chance to encounter Kibale’s nocturnal inhabitants, including bushbabies, potto’s, tree hyraxes, and various species of nocturnal birds and insects.

Nature walks and hiking

Exploring Kibale’s National Park lush rainforest on foot is a rewarding experience. Guided nature walks and hiking trails lead visitors through pristine forest landscapes, offering opportunities to appreciate the park’s rich biodiversity, discover hidden waterfalls, and encounter other wildlife such as forest elephants, duikers, bushbucks, and more.


Kibale National Park is situated in a region with rich cultural heritage of bakiga and batwa. Visitors can engage in cultural encounters with nearby communities, learning about traditional customs, dances, and livelihoods, and gaining insight into the symbiotic relationship between local communities and the park’s conservation efforts.

Activities and attractions at Kibale National Park: Activities.

Chimpanzee Tracking

Embarking on an exhilarating chimpanzee tracking adventure and observing these intelligent primates in their natural habitat. Accompanied by experienced guides, you’ll trek through the forest in search of habituated chimpanzee groups, witnessing their social interactions, feeding behaviors, and playful tricks up close.

Bird Watching

Kibale National Park is a birdwatcher’s paradise, boasting over 370 species of birds. Join a birdwatching excursion led by knowledgeable guides to spot colorful turacos, hornbills, sunbirds, and a myriad of other avian species amidst the park’s lush vegetation and diverse habitats.

Primate Walks

Explore the park’s diverse ecosystems on guided primate walks, where you’ll have the chance to encounter a variety of primate species in Kibale National Park besides chimpanzees, including Lhotse’s monkeys, red colobus monkeys, black-and-white colobus monkeys, vervet monkeys, and more.

Nature walking and hiking

Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Kibale National Park on guided nature walks and hiking trails. Trek through pristine rainforest landscapes, marvel at towering trees and cascading waterfalls and view forest elephants, duikers, bushbucks, and other wildlife that inhabit the park while connecting to the immense beauty of Uganda’s national parks.

Cultural Engagement

Engage with local communities of Bakiga and Batwa near Kibale National Park and learn about their traditional customs, dances, and livelihoods. Participate in cultural activities, visit village markets, and gain insight into the symbiotic relationship between communities and the park’s conservation efforts.

Nocturnal Forest Walks

Experience the magic of Kibale’s nocturnal world on guided night walks through the forest. With the aid of spotlights and keen-eyed guides, you’ll have the opportunity to encounter a variety of nocturnal creatures, including bushbabies, potto’s, tree hyraxes, and nightjars.

Visit to Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

Explore the neighbouring Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary, a community-managed nature reserve renowned for its biodiversity. Take a guided walk through the wetlands and swamps, where you can spot a variety of bird species, as well as primates and other wildlife.

Best time to visit Kibale National Park

Kibale National Park is an all-year-around visited destination in Uganda, however, it can be best visited in the dry season that is December through February and June to August for it can be easier for chimpanzee tracking and other activities like hiking when the forests are not wet and slippery however all these activities can be done all year about time.

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