A Journey through the Impenetrable Forest of Bwindi

A Journey through the Impenetrable Forest of Bwindi

A Journey through the Impenetrable Forest of Bwindi: The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest found in southwestern Uganda is among the best places for gorilla trekking in the world. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is the home of nearly half of the world’s population of mountain gorillas thus making it a must-visit for any wildlife and/or adventure tourist. A gorilla trekking Uganda safari brings you face to face with the primates in the natural habitat of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. This article will provide you with all the information that you require about this incredible experience from the hike to other useful information.

The Magic of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

 Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is one of the world’s most diverse and dense forests that spans an area of about 321 sq. km. The Forest has many slopes and valleys and masses of trees thus making it a tough but worthwhile experience for trekkers. Besides the gorillas, many other animals can be found in the forest such as more than 120 species of mammals, 350 species of birds, and 200 species of butterflies among others.

The Gorilla Trekking Experience

Gorilla trekking in Bwindi is a must-do tourist activity that gives the clients an opportunity to engage with these giants of the forest. To get to the gorilla family, one has to go through the thick jungle with a lot of walking sometimes for several hours.

A Journey through the Impenetrable Forest of Bwindi: Planning Your Trek

Permits and Regulations: A permit is needed for gorilla trekking and the number of permits issued is controlled in order to protect the gorillas and their home. It is recommended to apply for the permit in advance since they are usually available for a limited time especially in the peak seasons. The price of each permit is about 700 USD and it allows for one hour of observation of the gorilla group.

Choosing a Trekking Sector: These are the four main trekking zones in Bwindi; Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga, and Nkuringo. Each sector has different gorilla groups to track and the choice of the sector influences the level of the challenge and type of lodges. For instance, Buhoma is considered to be less strenuous and has better-developed tour services than other sectors.

A Journey through the Impenetrable Forest of Bwindi
A gorilla family in Bwindi

The Trekking Journey

 The day starts very early and the trekkers are supposed to meet at the park headquarters for briefing by the Uganda Wildlife Authority rangers. In this briefing, you are going to get an introduction to the gorillas, the features of trekking, and the measures that should be taken while trekking. You will also be divided into a particular group of trekkers and a certain gorilla group.

 The trek may take from several hours to the whole day depending on the location of the gorilla group and the steepness of the graph. The trails are quite challenging as they are steep, muddy, and may be overgrown with vegetation, hence one has to be reasonably fit. During the trekking, the guide will explain more about the forest and the creatures living in the forest to give you a better understanding of this ecosystem.

 When you at last meet the gorillas it is nothing less than enchanting. It is very touching to see these close relatives in their natural environment, to be able to watch them and how they communicate with each other and to look into their faces. The rangers also ensure that the visitors do not get too close to the gorillas, usually not closer than 7 meters in order not to stress the gorillas and also minimize the chances of the visitors infecting the gorillas.

What to Expect and What to Bring

Expect Variable Weather: Bwindi’s climate is rather cortical and it can rain at any time of the year. This also means that the temperatures can differ with the general temperature dropping in the evening and early morning.

What to Wear and Bring: Strong footwear, a long-sleeved shirt, and long-sleeved trousers should be worn to avoid bites and scratches from insects, and thorny bushes among others. A waterproof jacket is good to have as well as gaiters, especially when it is raining a lot. Other important items that can be useful include; gloves to avoid getting scratches when moving through thickets. Also, it is advisable to carry enough water, some chips, or any other form of snack, and if the hike will be in the afternoon, then a packed lunch.

 Photography Tips: Photography is allowed; however, the use of flash is not allowed as it may annoy the gorillas. A good camera and a zoom lens are awesome for taking pictures of the details of the gorilla’s face and movements. Do not forget to take additional batteries and memory cards.

Accommodation Options in Bwindi

Bwindi impenetrable national park has various accommodation facilities for its visitors whether one is rich or poor, or has preferences of wanting to live in style or in a simple way.

 Luxury Lodges: For those who want the best, there is Bwindi Lodge and Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge with magnificent views, comfort, and professionalism. Such lodges may offer all meals and quite often, guided nature walks in the vicinity.

Mid-Range and Budget Options: There are also many good mid-range and budget accommodations in the area including Buhoma Community Rest Camp and Gorilla Valley Lodge. These are the basics and they usually are situated close to the park’s entrance and offer visitors the needed comfort.

Conservation and Community Involvement

 Thus, gorilla trekking in Bwindi goes beyond the tourism aspect since it has a major implication in the conservation process. Money from permits to trek the gorillas and other tourism activities help in the protection of the gorillas and their home. It also has a positive impact on the local communities who are engaged in conservation and tourism activities.

Almost all the lodges and tour operators in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park have a cause related to community development such as education, health and farming. Tourists can also help by buying locally made artifacts and engaging in cultural activities like the Batwa people’s tourism. Other activities include, the Batwa people; the pygmies of the forest; you can take a guided tour through the forest where Batwa people will explain to you how they used to live.

A Journey through the Impenetrable Forest of Bwindi: Conclusion

Trekking the mountain gorillas in Uganda, particularly in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is one of the greatest adventures that one can ever embark on in their life with one of the most endangered species of animals in the world. This trek through the thick and beautiful forest is strenuous and exciting and besides being able to encounter the gorillas, one gets to see other plants and animals in this natural forest. Other than the trek, the visitors can interact with the people of the community, participate in conservation measures, and explore the cultural history of the area. Regardless of how many times a person has been on a travel expedition or how many times they have gone on a safari, a visit to Bwindi will certainly be etched in their memory for a long time to come.

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